Benjamin Falk
Benjamin Falk was born into an artistic family in the South of Sweden in 1972. His parents were two of Sweden’s most successful clothes designers , and owned several clothing shops. At an early age Benjamin was interested in singing, dancing and drawing. He took vocal lessons after school and worked as a illustrator for fashion-magazines. After completing Collage at the age of 18 he decided to move to Stockholm the capital of Sweden to begin his entertainment career.
To sustain himself Benjamin worked as a salesman in a shop, this would be his first and last “normal job” he held.
Modeling agencies stated that he could never be a successful model, unless he was taller, he knew there wasn’t any pill he could take to make him grow and since he thought it wasn’t right that only real tall people could become professional models, he begun to think what could be done, His conclusion was, he should start a modeling agency for models in the same situation he was in. He told people about this idea, they thought as if he were mad, he felt something must be done. So he began a modeling agency, “People with Attitude” with a very thought-out campaign directed towards ad agencies. Soon his modeling agency had become the third largest in Sweden.
But all this time Benjamin always dreamed of becoming a Pop Star. After work he continued to take vocal and dance lessons. Benjamin then decided after a lot of thinking to sell his modeling agency to invest his time and money to pursue his life long dream of becoming a Pop Star. Benjamin went into the studio to record a demo. One of the recordings he recorded was a single titled “Try My Love” after the recording the company telephoned him and wanted to sign him to a recording contract.
In 1995 he recorded “Photo Session” During this time he’d been in the UK to record “I Still Remember” and “Bills in Beverly Hills” with his own money. Soon after he relocated to London and found a manager to take over the responsibility of his career. At first him and his manager had the same goals and Benjamin recorded a song titled “Strictly Business” this would be Benjamin’s first release in the UK. After a while it seemed clear to Benjamin that management and himself were not working in the same direction. His manager wanted him to become some sort of “underground star” with a lot of credibility. Bengamin thought that’s nice but credibility doesn’t pay the bills., he then left England, to start his career over again in Sweden.
Later that year Benjamin signed a publishing contract with WARNER/Chappell. He also received an offer to do an ad for a new laser method to take away hair, from the EpiLight company.
In the beginning of 1998 he recorded his first Music Video to “I Still Remember”, when the Music Video was shown at the Cannes’ Music Fair ”MIDEM” it caused a lot of commotion, due to Benjamin’s artistic Vocal ability and provocative Sex appeal the video at cannes was shown every 15 minutes, people flocked to view it on a large video projected screen.
Back in Sweden the video was showed on Television’s Hottest Music Video shows.
After the success Benjamin received in his native country Sweden, he decided to seek international fame. He now awaits new challenges that lie ahead for him as a vocalist and development into major Motion Picture Acting, Where surely he will leave audiences mesmerized.
Soon the World will have the good fortune of discovering the talent and artistic ability of Benjamin Falk
Personal Management:
American Artists Entertainment Group
New York, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Miami